
I Love New York
- What do you think about New York?
- I love New York...
- Really? Ever been there?
- Hu? No.... but I just love that city!
- No...
- No?
- Nop... if you never been there...
- Why not?
- Because...
- ...?
- You love the image of New York that you created...
- What do you mean?
- Reason with me... to say you love a city like that you had to been there at least once in a lifetime... otherwise you love an image build of small peaces of info you have been exposed at... right?
- Hummm... never thought of things that way...
- In a funny way it goes the same way with people...
- Do you think so???
- Yap... let me explain...
- Do it... (I'm getting crazy...)
- Really...
- Ok.... explain... I'm all ears...
- When you meet someone... it's almost as if you had a blank page... on the top you would write your first impresions...
- Go on...
- That would be the first info collected... the next step would be to collect further information... in order to confirm or deny that assumption... only after those first steps you are in conditions to confirm if you like that person or not...
- ???
- Yes... only after you collect enough impressions is that you be able to say you like that particular person... it's like building a Lego...
- But...
- Shush... let me go on...
- ...
- So up to a certain point all you have are impressions of people that you can consider as mere friends-to-be, i.e., friends in potential... obviously, many of those will never be much more than "known" people... you only scratch the surface with them... don't go any deep, either because of you, either because of them...
- and...?
- Well? It's just like cities... see my point?
- Yes... I guess...
- So tell me... what do you think about New York?
- Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
- ...?
(Peço desculpa por ser em inglês... mas apeteceu-me!)